Monday, 18 September 2017

What 10 things should I do every day to become smarter?

 1 - Consume less and produce more - Stop reading random articles, go write something. Practice the 80/20 rule.
20% of your time = Consume
80% of your time = Produce
2 - Watch less TV - TV is EVIL and it kills our creativity.
3 - Go out for a walk - If you are stuck with a problem, go out for a walk. Talk to the trees, they know the answer (JK)
4 - Hang out with people who are smarter than you - Remember that quote? You are average of 5 people that you hang out with the most (something like that)
5 - Practice intentional reading - Only read something if you are looking for an answer. No more reading just because you saw something in your Facebook newsfeed.
6 - Practice your craft daily - Whatever you are good at, do more of it.
7 - Start a side hustle - See if you can generate some passive income. It’s a great way to improve your business skills.
8 - Sleep - Sleeping well is a great way to recharge and it keeps our brain sharp. (Confession - I struggle with this one all the time)
9 - Learn a new skill - Maybe a new language or pick up a new hobby.
10 - Answer questions on Quora - There are so many “hidden” benefits of this. e.g.
  • You get to help others
  • You get to share personal stories
  • You get to produce content

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